Arcia et al. v. Detzner (Florida)

In Arcia v. Florida Secretary of State—the challenge to Florida’s pre-election purge of alleged non-citizens on the voter rolls in 2012–Project Vote attorneys, along with our partners, recently won a victory on behalf of two naturalized citizens and several organizations. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled that Florida’s voter purge of suspected non-citizens in 2012 violated the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), because systematic removal programs are barred within 90 days of a federal election. The court recognized the risks of disenfranchising eligible voters close to an election, when voters are likely not able to correct the state’s errors in time to vote.

Purges like Florida’s result from database matching programs, which are often highly inaccurate and risk removing eligible voters. These voters often disproportionately come from minority communities, and a discrimination claim was also settled in this case in 2012.

The Arcia v. Florida Secretary of State appeals ruling sets important precedent vindicating the important role of the NVRA in protecting eligible voters. It is the first court decision making clear that Congress meant what it said when it barred these purges just before the election.

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More Lawsuits Over Florida Voter Purge

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Civil and voting rights organizations filed suit today alleging the purge violates Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, which bans discrimination in voting practices. Read more

Voting Rights Coalition Files Suit Over Florida Voter Purge

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“This lawsuit will protect eligible voters in every county in Florida from walking into a polling place only to find that the state has erroneously decreed they cannot participate in this election,” Catherine M. Flanagan of Project Vote said. Read more

Voter groups file suit against state to stop non-citizen voter purge

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Voter groups and two Miami-Dade women who were wrongly targeted in the state’s non-citizen voter purge sued the state today in U.S. District Court in Miami. Read more

New voting purge lawsuit emerges

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A coalition of voting groups plan to file a lawsuit tomorrow over Gov. Rick Scott's non-citizen voting purge that has set off a dispute between the state and the Obama administration. Read more

New lawsuit challenges Florida voter purge

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The groups -- including Advancement Project, Fair Elections Legal Network, LatinoJustice PRLDEF and Project Vote -- have scheduled a Tuesday afternoon conference call to announce the lawsuit against Secretary of State Ken Detzner. Read more

Florida faces another lawsuit over voter purge

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Florida is again being sued over its contentious push to remove potentially ineligible voters from the rolls. Read more

Voter groups will sue Florida over non-citizen ‘purge’

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A coalition of national voter advocacy groups will file a lawsuit on Tuesday seeking to stop the state of Florida from "purging" the voter rolls of non-citizens. Read more

VIDEO: Voting Rights Groups Blast Florida’s Election Rolls Purge Of Suspected Non-Citizens

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Letters have already been mailed out to 2,600 Florida residents informing them they may be ineligible to vote. Read more

One woman’s experience in Florida’s targeting of noncitizen voters

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She's the prototypical Tampa Bay resident in many ways, but the State of Florida falsely accused her of not being a U.S. citizen. Read more

Voter Purge, Minority Voting Rights Flashpoints Of New Showdown In Florida

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Florida officials made it clear Friday that the state will continue to purge as many as 182,000 suspected noncitizens from the state’s voter rolls -- despite a coalition's call to stop the process or prepare for court. Read more