Voting Matters Blog


Project Vote Testifies Against Call for Potentially Illegal Voter Purge
By Project Vote April 24, 2017

A “conservative legal watchdog group” has targeted Maryland’s largest county in its latest effort to force election officials to purge... Read more

Staff Posts

Matt Masterson is 50 Percent Correct
By Michael Slater April 14, 2017

The EAC chair is right: There is very little voter fraud in America, but he’s far off base in claiming that evidence of voter suppression is “virtually non-existent.” Read more

In the States

The Responsible Way to Increase Voter Access: Same Day Registration
By Brian McWalters April 13, 2017

Same day registration is known to boost voter turnout and keep voter rolls clean. Why aren't more states passing and implementing SDR laws? Read more

Blog Filters

Recent Article Confirms In-Person Contact Boosts Voter Turnout

By Michael Slater December 31, 2014

For 20 years now, Project Vote has been on the front lines of voter engagement: working hard to bring meaningful... Read more

Thank You!

By Nakea West December 30, 2014

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Project Vote Testimony on State of Civil Rights

By Estelle Rogers December 9, 2014

Project Vote submitted testimony today on “The State of Civil and Human Rights in the United States”  for a hearing held... Read more

Time for Bipartisanship on Voting Rights

By Estelle Rogers November 13, 2014

When the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals last week rejected the claims of Arizona and Kansas that their states’ voter... Read more

Victory in Proof-of-Citizenship Case

By Michael Slater November 7, 2014

In a major victory for voting rights, today the U.S. Court of Appeals overturned an earlier decision in Kobach v.... Read more

More Than 15,000 New Mexicans May Need to Register On Election Day, Vote A Provisional Ballot

By Catherine Flanagan November 4, 2014

Thousands of people who conducted business at a New Mexico motor vehicles office between January 1 to June 1, 2014 and... Read more

Webinars Focus on Voter Registration for ACA Enrollment Assisters

By Kate Bass October 31, 2014

Every Tuesday this October, Affordable Care Act (ACA) enrollment assisters from around the country gathered online to learn more about... Read more

Voter Suppression is a Monster in the Dark

By Michael Slater October 30, 2014

Here’s a Halloween scare for you: what if they held an election, and no one came? Read more

31,000 Illinois Citizens Register to Vote Online Before the November Election

By Erin Ferns Lee October 15, 2014

Thirty-one thousand Illinois citizens registered to vote online and more than a third of the applications arrived two days before... Read more

Courts Block Restrictive Voting Laws Before Election Day, Showing Need for Broad Voting Protections

By Erin Ferns Lee October 10, 2014

Hang on to your hats, voters. With less than four weeks left before the general election, new voting restrictions were... Read more