Voting Matters Blog


Project Vote Testifies Against Call for Potentially Illegal Voter Purge
By Project Vote April 24, 2017

A “conservative legal watchdog group” has targeted Maryland’s largest county in its latest effort to force election officials to purge... Read more

Staff Posts

Matt Masterson is 50 Percent Correct
By Michael Slater April 14, 2017

The EAC chair is right: There is very little voter fraud in America, but he’s far off base in claiming that evidence of voter suppression is “virtually non-existent.” Read more

In the States

The Responsible Way to Increase Voter Access: Same Day Registration
By Brian McWalters April 13, 2017

Same day registration is known to boost voter turnout and keep voter rolls clean. Why aren't more states passing and implementing SDR laws? Read more

Blog Filters

Wisconsin Wants You to Register to Vote—Unless You’re Poor, or a Person of Color

By Marissa Liebling February 5, 2016

Don't let the online registration fool you: a proposed Wisconsin law would be a disaster for voter registration. Read more

Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Vote in Kansas…

By Michael Slater February 1, 2016

Sometimes, defending voting rights feels like playing Whac-a-Mole. You smack down a threat here, and it rears its ugly head over there. Read more

Electionary Gearing Up for Primary Season

By Project Vote January 31, 2016

Electionary, a multi-state guide to election law, is now featuring or will soon feature some of the states that will... Read more

Project Vote Welcomes New Staff

By Project Vote January 29, 2016

Project Vote welcomes Courtnay Sellers as legislative intern for the spring of 2016. Read more

State Guides for Voter Registration Drives

By Michael Slater January 27, 2016

We’re nine months away from the presidential election, and voter registration efforts are ramping up across the country. Read more

Legislative Threats and Opportunities Update

By Erin Ferns Lee January 21, 2016

Last week, in his final State of the Union Address, President Obama indicated his interest in modernizing our election system... Read more

Advocates Call on Maryland General Assembly to Restore the Vote for 40,000 People

By Marissa Liebling January 14, 2016

Last year, lawmakers, community organizations, and religious, civil rights, and racial justice leaders undertook an important effort to restore voting... Read more

Obama’s Last State of the Union: What We Won’t Hear

By Michael Slater January 12, 2016

Until Health Care Exchanges are brought into compliance with the NVRA, the president's legacy is incomplete. Read more

Let’s Play Bingo During the President’s Last State of the Union

By Project Vote January 11, 2016

President Obama will give his last State of the Union address on Tuesday (January 12 at 9 p.m. ET). In... Read more

Examining the Meaning of One Person, One Vote

By Stephen Mortellaro January 5, 2016

Recently, I attended oral arguments in the Supreme Court case Evenwel v. Abbott. At the heart of this case is... Read more