Voting Matters Blog


Project Vote Testifies Against Call for Potentially Illegal Voter Purge
By Project Vote April 24, 2017

A “conservative legal watchdog group” has targeted Maryland’s largest county in its latest effort to force election officials to purge... Read more

Staff Posts

Matt Masterson is 50 Percent Correct
By Michael Slater April 14, 2017

The EAC chair is right: There is very little voter fraud in America, but he’s far off base in claiming that evidence of voter suppression is “virtually non-existent.” Read more

In the States

The Responsible Way to Increase Voter Access: Same Day Registration
By Brian McWalters April 13, 2017

Same day registration is known to boost voter turnout and keep voter rolls clean. Why aren't more states passing and implementing SDR laws? Read more

Blog Filters

Election Protection in the Post-Shelby Era

By Archita Taylor May 2, 2016

Three years after the Supreme Court’s decision to gut the Voting Rights Act, many of us in the voting rights community have seen firsthand how new, restrictive voting laws have hurt voters. Read more

Voting Law Guide Features New States

By Project Vote April 30, 2016

This primary season, Electionary has been used by voting rights advocates and organizers in Election Protection efforts and will be pertinent to run effective voter registration programs and get-out-the-vote drives before the November election. Read more

New Voter Registration Form Could Reduce Unnecessary Rejections

By Michelle Kanter Cohen April 29, 2016

In July, Virginia will launch a new and improved version of its state voter registration form, which will help avoid confusion and reduce the number of eligible voters who are rejected for minor administrative errors. Read more

We’re Suing for Transparency in Arizona Elections

By Michelle Kanter Cohen April 28, 2016

Call us crazy, but—given all the problems people have had voting in Arizona—we think voter list maintenance should be done in the light of day. Read more

Automatic Voter Registration Best Practices Coming Soon

By Project Vote April 28, 2016

As access to the ballot becomes increasingly difficult, more states are trying to find ways to improve the administration of elections. Read more

Study Examines Effects of Mass Incarceration on Political Behavior

By LaShonda Brenson April 19, 2016

Project Vote’s LaShonda Brenson attended the 2016 Midwest Political Science Association Conference where, most interesting, she learned about the community political effects of mass incarceration and voter disenfranchisement laws. Read more

Democracy Awakening Brings Activism to D.C .

By Archita Taylor April 18, 2016

Archita Taylor, Project Vote election counsel, writes on the Democracy Awakening in which thousands gathered in the nation's capitol to demand Congress to act to restore integrity to our political process. Read more

Project Vote Welcomes New Staff

By Project Vote April 11, 2016

Project Vote welcomes new research director, LaShonda Brenson. Read more

Voting Restoration Proposals Don’t Go Far Enough

By Courtnay Sellers April 7, 2016

Although legislation is introduced every year, the fight to restore voting rights to citizens with a history of felony convictions is an uphill battle. Read more

What a Difference a Day Makes: The Evolution of Same Day Registration in Illinois

By Marissa Liebling April 6, 2016

The excitement around competitive races in 2016 has brought voters out during primary election season. But in Illinois, another factor plays a role in boosting turnout: same day registration. Read more