“Lobby Day” events help raise the profile of vital issues at the state level, and present an opportunity for voters to educate lawmakers about what matters most to us.
At these statehouse visits, voters build relationships with legislators, staff, and key decision makers. Although the advocacy approaches may vary from issue to issue, the end result is always the same—increased opportunities to effect change in the laws and regulations that can increase participation at the voting booth.
On Wednesday, March 8th, Project Vote will be joining members from the Oregon Bus Project, the League of Women Voters, Common Cause, National Popular Vote, and others for a lobby day at the Oregon state capitol. Voters will be engaging their legislators on a number of issues that will expand access to democracy, including:
- Language access;
- Pre-Registration of 16 year olds;
- Postage Paid Ballot Return Envelopes; and
- The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
The more people we can get to join us, the more powerful and impactful the day will be. It’s not too late to sign up!
Your elected officials represent you, and what you have to say matters! Click here, and let us know you will be joining us to share our views and hold our elected officials accountable. Because corporations, the wealthy, and specials interests should not be the only voices elected officials hear from.