Today, April 21:
- Youth Voting bill, H 2668 is scheduled to be heard by the Senate Committee of the Whole upon call.This bill directs the Arizona Board of Regents to work with the student government of university and community colleges under its jurisdiction to adopt a plan to increase student voter registration and voter participation. This includes providing information on voter registration and voting opportunities with admission packets, during orientation, etc.
Monday, April 26:
- Convenience Voting/Youth Voting bill, S 970 is scheduled to be heard by the Senate Appropriations Committee at 11 a.m. in the Burton Hearing Room.This bill would require, until December 31, 2016, the secretary of state, in conjunction with the county elections officials, to select four college campuses, two within the University of California and two within the California State University, to each serve as pre-election day polling places for any precinct in the county during at least one general election. The bill would require that the pre-election day polling places be open to receive votes from 7 am to 8 pm on the five business days preceding election day and during the same hours on Election Day.