The mission of the Voter Participation Program is to increase voter participation among historically disenfranchised communities. For over 20 years, Project Vote has developed and run large-scale voter registration drives and Get Out the Vote programs that placed paid canvassers—occasionally volunteers—of local community organizations in high traffic sites in neighborhoods of color.
Currently, Project Vote fulfills this mission by providing specialized technical help to partner organizations and nonprofit service providers who want to run voter engagement efforts within their constituencies, and by contributing leadership, knowledge, and critical infrastructure to the civic engagement sector.
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Wanted: Voters’ Views on Changing Government
What do voters really think about dramatic changes already underway? Today’s political chattering class—television barkers, talk radio hotheads, and even... Read more
Ad agency creates voter registration app
Echo Interaction Group is teaming up with Project Vote to design a mobile canvassing tool for AppleÕs iPad as a way to increase voter registration and reduce canvassing costs. Read more
VR Drives Go Paperless with New Software for iPad & Other Mobile Devices
Project Vote, one of the nation's leading voter engagement organizations, has teamed up with Orlando-based advertising agency Echo Interaction Group to revolutionize how community organizations conduct voter registration drives. Read more
Project Vote Releases New Report on Composition of the 2008 Electorate
Representational Bias in the 2008 Electorate reviews the story of who was eligible to vote, who was registered to vote, and who did vote in the 2008 general election. Read more
Representational Bias in the 2008 Electorate

A new report, Representational Bias, identifies disparities in the changing American electorate. Read more
Project Vote and ACLU File ACORN Lawsuit Challenging Constitutionality of Pennsylvania Voter-Registration Law
The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania and Project Vote filed a lawsuit today on behalf of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), charges that a Pennsylvania law unconstitutionally restricts ACORN’s right to conduct voter-registration drives. Read more
NEW: Project Vote Analysis of CPS Data Shows a More Diverse Electorate in 2008
The November 2008 election saw dramatic increases in participation by traditionally underrepresented groups, including Americans of color and young voters, according to a new research memo released today by Project Vote. Read more
Minority Voting Surged in 2008 Election, According to Project Vote Analysis
The United States saw dramatic increases in the number of ballots cast by traditionally underrepresented groups, including Americans of color and young voters, according to an analysis released today by Project Vote. Read more
Minorities boost Dems’ numbers
The increase in the number of Democrats who voted this year far outstripped GOP gains. Read more
Where Are The New Voters? Look Closer.
Given voter registration spikes and widespread predictions that this year's turnout would shatter records, it's tempting to look at exit polls and ask: Where did all the voters go? Read more