Voter Participation

The mission of the Voter Participation Program is to increase voter participation among historically disenfranchised communities. For over 20 years, Project Vote has developed and run large-scale voter registration drives and Get Out the Vote programs that placed paid canvassers—occasionally volunteers—of local community organizations in high traffic sites in neighborhoods of color.

Currently, Project Vote fulfills this mission by providing specialized technical help to partner organizations and nonprofit service providers who want to run voter engagement efforts within their constituencies, and by contributing leadership, knowledge, and critical infrastructure to the civic engagement sector.

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Hanging on to the youth vote

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The enthusiasm of the 2008 presidential election is lagging on a larger scale in 2010, especially for youth voters, according to Project Vote. Read more

Building Ranks of Young Voters, and Poll Workers

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A study, released last month by Project Vote, found that citizens under age 30 made up 21 percent of the adult citizen population in 2008, but only 17 percent of the voters. Read more

Young Voter Asks Candidates and Media to “Help Us Help You”

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According to Project Vote’s recent poll, only 79.1 percent of voters under the age of 30 plan to vote in... Read more

Cracks in the Media Frame Propping Up the Tea Party?

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Three weeks after reviewing (and deciding not to cover) Project Vote’s major new survey documenting how out of step the... Read more

Beneath the Tea Party’s Anti-Government Rallying Cry, Americans Call for Government to Do More

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“Can you hear me?” That’s the recurring refrain in a radio promo for this weekend’s “Virginia Tea Party Patriots Convention,”... Read more

WSJ: Poll on Tea Party Movement Growth Also Indicates Mobility Among Minority Voters

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The “Tea Party” movement continues to garner attention, supporting assumptions that they are “very ticked-off people” who are prepared to... Read more

Poll is a ‘Refreshing Corrective’ to Media Narrative of Tea Party Domination

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Project Vote’s new poll, which reveals the “rising electorate” from 2008 has starkly different views about the role of government... Read more

Poll: Extremist ‘Tea Party’ Represents Minority Fringe Views, As Media Ignore Majority Opinion

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The political positions of those describing themselves as sympathetic to the "Tea Party" represent a vast minority view, according to a new poll commissioned by Project Vote. Read more

Poll: Vast majority of tea party participants are white, wealthy and affluent

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In a survey of Americans who voted in 2008, the nonpartisan group Project Vote found that, by and large, those sympathetic to the tea parties were white, wealthy and affluent people, whose political views represent approximately 29 percent of the electorate. Read more

One-third of all voters want more government spending, poll finds

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While anti-spending rhetoric dominates the air waves, a new poll by Project Vote found that roughly one-third of voters from the last election support more government spending.  Read more