Voter Participation

The mission of the Voter Participation Program is to increase voter participation among historically disenfranchised communities. For over 20 years, Project Vote has developed and run large-scale voter registration drives and Get Out the Vote programs that placed paid canvassers—occasionally volunteers—of local community organizations in high traffic sites in neighborhoods of color.

Currently, Project Vote fulfills this mission by providing specialized technical help to partner organizations and nonprofit service providers who want to run voter engagement efforts within their constituencies, and by contributing leadership, knowledge, and critical infrastructure to the civic engagement sector.

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Upcoming Analysis Finds 2010 Electorate is “Old, White, Rich and Republican”

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Today, McClatchy Newspapers gave a sneak peak of Project Vote’s exit poll analysis of the 2010 electorate. The study, which... Read more

The 2010 electorate: Old, white, rich and Republican

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The 2010 elections turned into a rout of the Democrats because the elderly and wealthy surged to the polls, according to a new report from Project Vote. Read more

NY Times Examines More Midterm Election Myths

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New York Times writer, Michael Cooper examines the myths that plague midterm election analyses, particularly regarding voter’s views on “Big... Read more

It’s Not the End of the World — 7 Things Progressives Need to Keep in Mind About Last Night’s GOP ‘Wave’

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The GOP’s gains in last night’s elections are part of the predictable rebalancing that occurs between presidential elections, rather than ideological shifts in the electorate. Read more

WaPo:’Who Will Vote’ Today? Youth?

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Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne writes on the “unprecedented gap between the entire potential electorate and those who intend to... Read more

An Analysis of Who Voted (and Who Didn’t Vote) in the 2010 Election

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In this research memo, Lorraine C. Minnite and Jody Herman look at who voted (and who didn’t vote) in the 2010 election. Read more

Get Your Voter Info!

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Video: 2010 GOTV Effort in Philadelphia

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A video highlighting the 2010 Get Out the Vote effort conducted between Project Vote and Action United Education Fund of Pennsylvania. Read more

Debunking the Tea Party’s Election Night Message

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Experts are predicting major Democrat losses in 2010’s midterm elections, and pundits are already saying that this year’s unusually competitive... Read more

Research Memo: Debunking the Tea Party’s Election Night Message

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In this research memo, Lorraine Minnite examines public expectations and attitudes toward government as the context for analyzing the 2010 federal midterm election results. Read more