Voter Participation

The mission of the Voter Participation Program is to increase voter participation among historically disenfranchised communities. For over 20 years, Project Vote has developed and run large-scale voter registration drives and Get Out the Vote programs that placed paid canvassers—occasionally volunteers—of local community organizations in high traffic sites in neighborhoods of color.

Currently, Project Vote fulfills this mission by providing specialized technical help to partner organizations and nonprofit service providers who want to run voter engagement efforts within their constituencies, and by contributing leadership, knowledge, and critical infrastructure to the civic engagement sector.

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275 results returned

State Voter Registration Guide: Massachusetts

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This guide covers who is eligible to register in the state, the deadlines for submitting registrations, and the state laws governing voter registration drives. Read more

State Voter Registration Guide: Kansas

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This guide covers who is eligible to register in the state, the deadlines for submitting registrations, and the state laws governing voter registration drives. Read more

State Voter Registration Guide: Iowa

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This guide covers who is eligible to register in the state, the deadlines for submitting registrations, and the state laws governing voter registration drives. Read more

WaPo: Politicians Have to Stop Making Voting Harder

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Pro-voting recommendations from the President’s election commission are getting a lot of attention and for good reason. The commission was... Read more

New Book Highlights the Dangers of Representational Bias

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Project Vote’s mission has always been to increase voter participation among underrepresented groups, and ensure that the American electorate truly... Read more

Voting for America, Project Vote et al v. Steen et al: Petition for Rehearing En Banc

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Petition for Rehearing En Banc Read more

Fill Out Full Virginia State Voter Registration Form, Advise Voting Rights Advocates

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A spot check of rejected voter registration applications in the state of Virginia found that a large percentage of applications had been rejected because applicants had overlooked an easily missed section on the state voter registration form.  Read more

Voting for America, Project Vote et al v. Steen et al: Defendants’ Response Letter

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Defendant's repose to Project Vote's Rule 28(j) Letter Read more

Will Section 5 Survive the Supreme Court?

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Anyone who cares about voting rights is watching the Supreme Court today, as it hears a case about Section 5... Read more

Voting for America, Project Vote et al v. Steen et al: Appellant’s Reply Brief

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Appellant's reply brief Read more