Be There When Democracy Awakens

By Project Vote February 20, 2016

da_blog_imageAt Project Vote, we believe that every eligible American deserves the opportunity to cast a ballot that counts.

But, as more states raise barriers to voting, we know this is a challenge. And this year, we’re facing the first presidential election without voter protections under the Voting Rights Act. This is why it’s time for a Democracy Awakening.

Without fair and equal access to the ballot, we cannot address climate change, racial justice, fair pay, safe food and water, health care, immigration reform, and education. This April, join Project Vote and more than 100 organizations in calling on our nation’s leaders to make democracy work for all Americans.

It’s time for us to fight back and claim our democracy like generations before.

This April, we’ll gather on state capitals and our nation’s capital to demand a real democracy where government serves all Americans, not just wealthy interests. We will demand a country where your income, skin color, and zip code don’t decide if your voice is heard and your vote is counted.

If that’s a vision you want to be a part of, sign up to stay engaged. The Democracy Awakening will feature exciting panels and workshops, music, inspiring speakers and activists like you from around the country, joining together to demand solutions.