Today kicks off National Voter Registration Month, a time “to encourage voter participation and increase awareness of state requirements and deadlines for voting,” according to a National Association of Secretaries of State.
NASS issued a press release to urge secretaries of state across the country to promote voter registration and acknowledge September 22 as National Voter Registration Day. On that day, individuals and organizations across the nation will engage in activities to help people register to vote. Find out how you can help here: http://nationalvoterregistrationday.org/.
NASS also encourages citizens to get involved by registering to vote, checking registration information, and signing up for election alerts. Citizens may check with their local elections officials or visit http://www.canivote.org to find out more about voter registration.
“Each September, we ask eligible citizens to help celebrate democracy and make voting part of our back-to-school and back-to-business routines,” said NASS President Tom Schedler. “Thanks to state adoption of new and improved technologies, registering to vote has never been faster, easier or more convenient for people with busy lives.”
Last week, Pennsylvania became the 29th state to have an online voter registration law on the books. Find out if your state offers or plans to offer voter registration online here.
One Responses to “September is National Voter Registration Month”
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Thanks for sharing this information, we were celebrating national voter registration month by offering voter registration trainings across the state.
Here in Pennsylvania we are excited about online voter registration. It makes voter registration much easier for people with disabilities. We are looking forward to the online option becoming available in every state.